Here in Michigan where I live we wait for the beautiful days to come. Tomorrow is the official start of summer so a note to my newsletter folks is in order!
A first for me is teaching an art journaling class in a lovely cottage overlooking Lake Michigan. Art journaling combines words with images to record and develop your thoughts, ideas and whimseys. Materials are just about anything! Paints, stamps, collage, pencils, markers, you name it. There are lots of online sites that will get you started if you are interested.

The painting you see below is another large one (40 x 60 inches) which has been purchased by my library. Our library, Amy VanAndel Library and Community Center, has a lovely space which has become a beautiful art gallery space. It's called Art in the Stacks. :) It will continue exhibiting quarterly shows curated by yours truly. A benefactor provides funds for purchase pieces from the exhibits to become part of the permanent collection of the library. Pretty cool!!
My website has just been updated so hopefully is more appealing to the art lover and easier to navigate. Please check it out.

I'm also working on the Handworks show which will come up in November. Will keep you filled in on that. In the meantime, have a great summer. Eat lots of good fresh food, see lots of art, and relax!!!